Whether it’s a proper course or a video, you can learn lots thanks to Internet. However, there is no one platform that will provide you with information about all the digit learning initiatives available.
LurnQ aims to address this gap. It's a platform that aims to bring together people providing these courses and those seeking such information. It curates, filters information and presents it to users based on their preferences. 

You can register with the site using your email ID or origin using you Facebook and Twitter. You will need to create your profile and select your areas of interest. There are various categories to choose from: Science, Art & Design, Technology, Advertising, Finance, Management and many more. LurnQ will bring you information from sources such as Coursera, Khan Academy, Tie and Think Labs.

Once you have selected your topics of interest, you will receive updates about them in your feed. 

  • You can then browse through and save it to your library.  
  • You can also explore the lessons, which are presented in a Pinterest-esque layout. 
  •  You can also choose to follow the authors. You will find notes, information, videos and even audio lessons. 
  • The lessons are arranged systematically and may also include tests to help you check how much you have learned. 
  • You can also share the lessons on social networking sites. 
  • You may even create and upload lessons based on your area of expertise.

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