Most of you might have faced a
problem in creating the Wi-Fi hotspot in Windows 8. Yes it is a bit tricky if
you are a GUI lover and didn’t have worked with the core Window's components.
Windows 7 directly provides an option to create a hotspot but this feature is absent in Windows 8. Well we need not have to worry as command prompt always comes out as a handy
tool with all the solutions ready.
which you need to share your internet with other Wi-Fi Devices:
- A Working Internet Connection (Either Dial Up
Connection or Else Lan Internet Connection)
- A Built In or External Wi-Fi adapter which supports the
sharing ability for internet connection
- A laptop surely and a brain!
Here we present a post with
step-by-step guide to create a Wi-Fi hotspot in Windows 8.
Step 1: Open Command Prompt in admin mode
from start. For opening CMD in administrator
mode you need to right click it and then open the cmd in “Administrator Mode“.
2: Now we
have to find out whether our computer supports Wi-Fi sharing or not. We will do
so by the following command.
Type as it is in cmd: netsh wlan show drivers
Hope you see a yes, in the hosted network support as
shown below:
3: Now we
will create a Wi-Fi hotspot. And for this we will again take the help of
command prompt by typing the below command as it is:
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow
ssid=nameOfwifiHotspot key=yourpassword
In the
above command replace the “nameOfwifiHotspot”
with the desired network name and replace “yourpassword” with the
desired password which will be used by others to connect to the hotspot.
Press the Enter key and hotspot will
be created.
Step 4: To start the
hotspot we type the below command:
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
Press enter and the hotspot will be
created and will be discoverable by the other devices as well.
the working internet connection with the windows 8 Wi-Fi hotspot:
We are here with everything done,
now we need to give our internet connection the access to the created hotspot. This
will help other user to have access to internet also. This can be done from
Windows Networking and Sharing Center.
Step 1: Open the
Network and Sharing center then go to “Change Adapter Settings” on the top left
pane, hit on it.
Step 2: Here you
will see the created hotspot.
Step 3: You have to
open the properties of the connection which you want to share, by right clicking over it.
Step 4: There go to
the sharing tab in the properties and then tick the “Allow other network users to
connect through this pc internet connection”.
This is it and you are done with a
new Wi-Fi hotspot. The password to connect with the Wi-Fi is same as you have
given during it creation on the command prompt. If you still have some problem
regarding the connection then antivirus or firewalls may be creating an issue…
So try disabling them if you are
sharing your connection with the trusted one.