Freelancing is trending exponentially around the world. Nowadays India Inc. is also started trusting on freelancer. To be a good freelancer you should focus on few key aspects.

freelancer is a person who perform respective tasks for different employers for a defined course of time. A freelancer is a kind of free agent who can sell his/her work to the highest bidder.
Freelancer can work part time or full time as they not actual employees who are bounded in restrictions. The most featured part is that a freelancer is allowed to do the task in his/her way, so long as the work is done as per the client’s specifications.
How to get a freelance job?

Step 1: Develop a skill on whose basis you want to freelance. It can be any one among as follows:
·        Journalism
·        Webpage Designing
·        Writing
·        Data Gathering
·        Consulting
·        Photography
·        Social Media
·        Mobile Development
·        Many more…
       Any one such in which you have an interest to work with.

Step 2: Then get on to any of the freelancing website such as Freelancer, Elance, Odesk , Guru.

Step 3: Obtain the equipment you need for your freelancing business, for example if you ought to write then you must have a PC, printer etc or if you plan for photography then you must have a proper camera etc.

Step 4:Get the proper education which justifies your field and serves to all your needs.

Step 5: Proper time scheduling is one of the key feature which you have to keep in your mind.

Step 6: To every project give your best.

Points to Remember:

You should complete your work in given time frame.
To be your own boss you should be focused and work with proper planning. Completing your work within right time frame is most important for your reputation in online life. Clients always respect those who are punctual. They highly believe in professionalism. 

You should burden yourself with too much of work.
Freelancers are always in a search for work. Due to this sometimes they over burden themselves. And in this case to complete all tasks in proper time frame is tedious. You can always say “NO” to a client. This doesn’t hurt your reputation and client will respect your professionalism.

You should be able to use productivity tools efficiently and should be well aware of technology.
Invest appropriate time and money to learn about technology and its efficient use.

Maintain your Accounts properly managed, Keep track on your expenditure.
This is most important if you are really much dependent on freelancing. But even if you do it for fun, you should keep a track of expenditure carefully.

Try to give best of yourself.
Most freelancers fail to accomplish because they forget to emphasize on quality. Client may sometimes ignore your minor mistakes but negative output does affect your work in long run.

Use Social Media Effectively 
Social media in new platform to make business contact and network that can help in your freelance activity.

Work at right price tag.
This will be the most important aspect for your selection by the employer. Price at which you are ready to work is point of analysis for the employer. If price quoted by you is too less, it can indicate your will compromise with quality on the other hand if it is too high, it will give edge to your competitors.

Always keep funds for emergency
These funds can be useful in times, as the probability to getting work (per month) is very uncertain.


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